Friday, January 30, 2009

Logged 4CA707 Ryanair

Logged 4CA707 tonight. Expect it is a ground test of EI-EBK
Likely will see it fly tmr

Chinese Airliner 1st Flt

Logged 780512 out of KRNT at 1326 today no call on SBS

Copa Airlines B738 First Flt

Logged 0C203B using call 598 out of KRNT at 1309 today
HP1535CMP a B737-8V3 s/n 35126 for Copa Airlines

New Nigerian Log

Logged 0640C2 out of KBFI this PM. I never saw him get there. Need help here

Thursday, January 29, 2009

New Ryanair B738

Logged 4CA706 out of KRNT at 912 PST using call BOE507
EI-EBI a B737-8AS s/n 37527 for Ryanair

Oman Air B738

Logged 70C09E out of KRNT at 904 PST
A4O-BD a B737-81M s/n 35287 for Oman Air

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

JAL B763

Logged 8621EA out of KPAE at 1441 PST
I have it as
JA620J a B767-346ER s/n 37547 for JAL

Unknown Chinese Airliner First Flt

Logged 7804FA at 1336 no cal on SBS. I didnt notice take off site

Monday, January 26, 2009

New Emirates B773

Logged 896115 using call BOA6EC out of KPAE at 1453
A6-ECN a B777-36HER s/n 37705

Sunday, January 25, 2009

New Ryanair B738

Logged 4CA704 out of KRNT using call BOE505 at 0927 PST
Hex sequence fits EI-EBG a B737-8AS s/n 37525 for Ryanair

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Data from Rick indicates this Aircraft was E-10A Prototype
hex 89404D with call BOE111 is a B767-4FSER s/n 34205
I believe its for Bahrain Government replacing a B747-SP

New Southwest Airlines B737

Logged ACEB61 at 1336
Airframes says hex fits N931WN
N931WN is a B737-7H4 s/n 36637 for Southwest Airlines

New Singapore Airlines B773 s/n Corrected

Logged 76CEF4 out of KPAE using call BOE709 this AM
Cawby has pic of 9V-SWT on websight
9V-SWT is a B777-312ER s/n 34585 for Singapore Airlines

Friday, January 23, 2009

New Air Berlin B738

Logged 3C4964 0ut of KRNT at 1350 using call BOE953
D-ABKD A B737-86J s/n 37742 for Air Berlin

New Ryanair B738

Logged 4CA705 using call 506 out of KRNT at 1334 PST
If hex sequence holds its EI-EBH A B737-8AS s/n 37526 for Ryanair

New Egyptair B738 Corrected

Logged 010108 out of KRNT using call 986 at 1324 PST
SU-GCZ a B737-866 s/n 35568 for Egyptair
Tnx Glenn

New Alaska B738

Logged A682EF no call on SBS
N519AS a B737-890 s/n 36482 for Alaska Airlines

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

2 Ryanair B738 first Flts

Logged 4CA702 no call and 4CA703 with call B504
703 TO at 1328
702 TO at 1409
If true to hex sequence 702 is EI-EBE, 703 is EI-EBF

LionAir logged and Corrected

Logged PK-LFT 8A0182 out ok KRNT at 1322 PST PK-LFT a B737-9GPER s/n 35721 for LionAir
Reg corrected due to info from Glenn H

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Unknown Chinese Airliner

Logged 780219 at 1317 today no call or SBS data. Hexcode fits B-LIC a B747-467ERF s/n 36868
for Cathay Pacific Cargo

Monday, January 19, 2009

New Qatar Airways B772

Logged 06A066 using call BOE081 at 1223 out of KPAE
likely is
A7-BBA a B777-2DZLR s/n 36012 for Qatar Airways

New V Australia B773?

Logged 7C6C6F using call BOVHVPD out of KPAE at 1112 PST today
Data from

Sunday, January 18, 2009

New UPS B744

Logged A76A3A using call BOE568
N577UP a B747-44AF s/n 35666 for United Parcel Service

New EVA Airways B773

Logged 8990DC using call BOB16713 out of KPAE this AM
B-16713 a B777-35EER s/n 33756 for EVA Airways

Saturday, January 17, 2009

New JetAirFly B738

Logged 44A831 no call on SBS at 1644
OO-JAQ a B737-8K5 s/n 35148 for JetAirFly

Rsvd Boeing B738 1st Flt

Logged A13A34 using Boeing reg N1787B with call BOE676 at 1600 PST
I believe its a B737-86N Customer unknown

Unknown Bahrain Aircraft

Logged 89404D out oof KPAE using call BOE111 at 1528 PST

New Alaska B738

Logged A67F38 at 1504 PST
N518AS a B737-890 s/n 35693 for Alaska Airlines

New Continental B739

Logged AA7ABE using call BOE119 out of KRNT at 1405 PST
GAS has it as N77431
FAA lists N77431 as a B737-924 s/n 32833

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Unknown Swede

Logged 4AB26D at 1127 PST. No other data. Nothing similar in my data base

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Interesting B738 log

Logged Ad5C41 using call N96oBB at 1500 PST
FAA has N960BB listed as a B737-8GJ s/n 34960 for WFBN
I believe this aircraft previously flew on 13 Dec. as hex 515309 EY-777 so I don't know what's happening

Brazilian B738

Logged E4815F at 1148 PST using call BOE763 out of KRNT
PR-GGJ a B737-8EH s/n 35825 for GOL Transportes Aereos

New Southwest Airlines B737

Logged ACE7AA with no call on SBS at 1206PST
GAS has it as N930WN
FAA lists N930WN
as B737-7H4 s/n 36636
Southwest Airlines

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Romanian Airliner 1st Flt

Logged 4A08F3 using call BOE955 at 0946 PST
GAS had it as YR-BGS
I have n0 further data on this one

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Earlier Ryanair First Flt EI-EBA

Logged 4CAEFE on 12/11 with call 898
EI-EBA a B737-8AS s/n 37516 for Ryanair

Saturday, January 10, 2009


I previously had this aircraft as an Airbus, However checking logs its a B737
Logged first 11-23-08 using call BOE233
D-ABLC is a B737-76J s/n 36116 for Air Berlin

Unknown Chinese Airliner

Logged 7804CD at 1021 PST today
No call, alt or position so may be ground test
Hex sequence puts it in vicinity of B-5197

Friday, January 9, 2009

Air India Express B738

Logged 80044A at 1246 PST with call B474
VT-AXZ a B737-8HG s/n 36336 for Air India Express

Additional Ryanair B738

Logged 4CA700 no call at 1204 PST
I suspect it and 4CA701 are s/n's 37520 and 37522 but dont know Registration #'s
If in sequence they would be EI-EBC and EI-EBD
B737-8AS for Ryanair

New Ryanair B738

Logged 4CA701 with no call on SBS on take off from KRNT at 0922 PST

Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Ryanair B737-8AS

Logged 4CA6FF with no call on SBS at 1015 PST
Likely a new Ryanair B737-8AS

New Australian B777

Logged 7C6C61 using call BOE966 at 0958 PST
GAS has 7C6C61 as VH-VOZ

New Continental Airlines B739

Logged AA7ABD with no Call on SBS at 0843 PST
N77430 a B737-924 s/n 37098 for Continental Airlines

New Emirates B772

Logged 896169 using call BOA6EW this AM at 0851 PST
Hex sequence fits A6-EWI a B777-21HLR s/n 35589 for Emirates

Monday, January 5, 2009

New Chinese B738

Logged 7804A2 using call BOE027 out of KRNT at 0951 today
Data indicates a B737-84P for Hainan s/n 35764
I don't have registration
Busy morning

New Air Berlin B737

Logged 3C4984 no call this AM
D-ABLD a B737-76J s/n 36117 for Air Berlin

New Delta B737

Logged A339AD using call BOE707 this AM
N307DQ a B737-732 s/n 29679 for Delta Airlines

Friday, January 2, 2009

Likely new Xiamen B738 updated

Logged 78047B using call BOE541 at 1137 today Original poat was in error B-5349 was incorrect. My bad fingers
B-5389 a B737-86N s/n 35636 for Xiamen